1) Choose the closest 905INK Tattoo Studio to you: Toronto Brampton Next 2) I am looking for Tattoo Cover-up Tattoo Laser RemovalPrevNext Please let us know your Scalp Micropigmentation related questionsOur staff will be happy to help with any questions that you may have!PrevNext 3) Please choose tattoo color PrevNext 4) What are you looking for from laser removal? Complete Removal Preparation for Cover-Up OtherPrevNext 5) Where is your unwanted tattoo? Neck Shoulders Arms Chest Back Legs Feet Hands OtherPrevNext 4) What style would you like for your tattoo? Neo-Traditional Animal Neo-traditional Ornamental Partial Colour Realism Portrait Realism Animal Semi Realistic Traditional Trippy patterns Watercolor work Watercolor Asian Art Asian Style Animals Black-n-Grey Realism Colour Illustrative Custom Script Dot Work Floral work Geometrical animals Geometrical Mandala Micro detail work Micro realism Anime Micro Realism Portraits Micro Realism Statues Other Please Describe Tattoo Style PrevNext 5) Where would you be putting your tattoo? Neck Arms Back Feet Shoulders Chest Legs Hands OtherPrevNext Choose An Option I would like to have a free consultation in person I am ready to book, contact me! Have a Tattoo Artist in Mind Already? Surprise meRafAceArthbitsManoBhupiSimiHarmanMandeepAbhishekVivekNitinKristina PrevPrevPrevNext Describe your Tattoo designPrevNext Alright, now that's settled, what's your contact info?We will use this email and phone number to contact you for more information and booking. How did you hear about us? Select OptionGoogleInstagramFacebookFriends/FamilyOther